Can Moths Breathe? The Truth About Moth Respiration

One question that often arises is whether moths can breathe, and if so, how do they do it?

Unlike humans, moths do not have lungs or a nose to breathe through. Instead, they have a unique respiratory system that allows them to take in oxygen.

Moth in a jar. Can moths breathe

This system consists of small openings on their bodies called spiracles. These spiracles are connected to a network of tubes called tracheae. The tracheal system delivers oxygen directly to the cells in their bodies. Thanks to this, it allows them to survive and thrive in a variety of environments.

Can You Keep Moths in a Jar?

Moths are fascinating creatures that are often admired for their beauty and unique patterns on their wings. However, some people wonder if it is possible to keep moths in a jar.

While it is technically possible to keep moths in a jar, it is not recommended.

Moths need to fly to mate, and if they are kept in a jar, their reproduction will be hampered.

Additionally, moths need to eat, and if they are kept in a jar may not be able to find enough food to survive.

Therefore, it is best to avoid keeping moths in a jar unless it is necessary. An example would be for scientific research purposes.

If you do need to keep moths in a jar, there are some important things to keep in mind.

Your jar should be large enough to allow the moth to move around freely. It should be well-ventilated to ensure that the moth can breathe properly. And finally, the jar should be kept in a cool, dark place to simulate the moth’s natural habitat.

keep moths as pets - insect terrarium

An insect terrarium is perhaps a kinder way to keep moths as pets.

Overall, while it is possible to keep moths in a jar as a pet, I personally do not recommend it.

Moths are meant to fly and live in their natural habitat, and keeping them in a jar can cause them unnecessary stress.

Breathing and Respiration

Do Moths Need Oxygen?

Like all living organisms, moths need oxygen to survive. Oxygen is required for the process of respiration. Without oxygen, moths would not be able to survive.

Do Moths Have Lungs?

Unlike humans and other mammals, moths do not have lungs.

Instead, they have a system of tubes called tracheae that carry air directly to their cells. The tracheae are connected to the outside world by small openings called spiracles.

Spiracles - moth - moth spiracles - can moths breathe?

How Do Moths Breathe Underwater?

Moths are not able to breathe underwater.

They require oxygen from the air to survive. If a moth were to become submerged in water, it would eventually suffocate.

There are some exceptions to this though. Some moths have special adaptations that allow them to breathe and survive underwater for a few hours at a time. They are equipped with plastrons, which are air pockets that trap oxygen, and cuticular flaps, which prevent water from entering their spiracles.

The Role of Spiracles in Moth Respiration

Spiracles are small openings on the surface of a moth’s body that allow air to enter and exit the tracheal system. The spiracles are controlled by muscles that can open and close them to regulate the amount of air that enters the tracheae.

The Tracheal System of Moths and Gas Exchange

The tracheal system of moths is a series of tubes that carry air directly to the cells of the body. Gas exchange occurs in the tracheae, where oxygen from the air is absorbed into the bloodstream and carbon dioxide is released.

The tracheal system is an efficient way for moths to obtain oxygen, as it allows air to be delivered directly to the cells that need it.

In summary, moths require oxygen to survive, but they do not have lungs like humans and other mammals.

Instead, they have a system of tubes called tracheae that carry air directly to their cells. Gas exchange occurs in the tracheae, where oxygen is absorbed into the bloodstream and carbon dioxide is released.

Spiracles are small openings on the surface of a moth’s body that allow air to enter and exit the tracheal system and are controlled by muscles that can open and close them to regulate the amount of air that enters the tracheae.


In conclusion, moths are able to breathe through holes in their bodies called spiracles. They draw oxygen in through these holes and transport it to their tissues and muscles through a system of interconnected tubes called tracheae. This respiratory system is similar to that of other insects.

While moths are known for their ability to fly, they also have adaptations that allow them to survive in water for short periods. Some adult species of moths have been found to lay their eggs in aquatic environments, such as streams and ponds, where they can feed on nectar and other sources of food.

These moths have special adaptations that allow them to breathe and survive underwater for a few hours at a time. They are equipped with plastrons. Palstrons are air pockets that trap oxygen, and cuticular flaps, which prevent water from entering their spiracles.

It is also important to note that moths play an important role in the ecosystem as pollinators and as a food source for other animals.

Overall, understanding the respiratory system of moths can provide insight into their biology and behavior.

Tom Watson